
276 lines
7.3 KiB

//---- Cleanup ----//
// Unmap undesired defaults
var unmaps = [ "sb" , "sw", "ob"
, "ow" , "cp", ";cp"
, ";ap", "spa", "spb"
, "spd", "sps", "spc"
, "spi", "sfr", "zQ"
, "zz" , "zR", "ab"
, "Q" , "q", "ag"
, "af" , ";s", "yp"
unmaps.forEach(function(u) {
var rmSearchAliases =
{ "s" : [ "g", "d", "b"
, "w", "s", "h" ]
Object.keys(rmSearchAliases).forEach(function(k) {
rmSearchAliases[k].forEach(function(v) {
removeSearchAliasX(v, k);
//---- Settings ----//
settings.hintAlign = "left";
settings.omnibarSuggestionTimeout = 500;
settings.hintGroups = true;
// settings.hintGroupStart = "middle";
settings.richHintsForKeystroke = 1;
//---- Theme ----//
settings.theme = `
/* Disable RichHints CSS animation */
.expandRichHints {
animation: 0s ease-in-out 1 forwards expandRichHints;
.collapseRichHints {
animation: 0s ease-in-out 1 forwards collapseRichHints;
//---- Maps ----//
// Left-hand aliases
// Movement
map('w', 'k');
map('s', 'j');
// Right-hand aliases
// Tab Navigation
map('J', 'E');
map('K', 'R');
// History
map('H', 'S');
map('L', 'D');
//---- Mapkeys ----//
const ri = { repeatIgnore: true };
mapkey('=w', "Lookup whois information for domain", whois, ri);
mapkey('=d', "Lookup dns information for domain", dns, ri);
mapkey('=D', "Lookup all information for domain", dnsVerbose, ri);
mapkey(';se', "#11Edit Settings", editSettings, ri);
mapkey(';pd', "Toggle PDF viewer from SurfingKeys", togglePdfViewer, ri);
mapkey('gi', "Edit current URL with vim editor", vimEditURL, ri);
mapkey('yp', "Copy URL path of current page", copyURLPath, ri);
const siteleader = "<Space>";
function mapsitekey(domainRegex, key, desc, f, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
mapkey(`${siteleader}${key}`, desc, f, Object.assign({}, opts, { domain: domainRegex }));
function mapsitekeys(domain, maps) {
domain = domain.replace('.', '\\.');
var domainRegex = new RegExp(`^http(s)?://(([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\\.)*)(${domain})(/.*)?`);
maps.forEach(function(map) {
mapsitekey(domainRegex, map[0], map[1], map[2]);
mapsitekeys("", [
['fs', "Fakespot", fakeSpot],
// TODO: Add to cart
mapsitekeys("", [
['fs', "Fakespot", fakeSpot],
mapsitekeys("", [
['F', "Toggle fullscreen", ytFullscreen],
mapsitekeys("", [
['F', "Toggle fullscreen", vimeoFullscreen],
mapsitekeys("", [
['s', "Toggle Star", () => ghStar(true)],
['S', "Check Star", () => ghStar(false)],
['y', "Copy Project Path", () => copyURLPath(2)],
['Y', "Copy Project Path (including domain)", () => copyURLPath(2, true)],
['D', "View GoDoc for Project", viewGodoc],
mapsitekeys("", [
['s', "Toggle Star", glToggleStar],
['y', "Copy Project Path", () => copyURLPath(2)],
['Y', "Copy Project Path (including domain)", () => copyURLPath(2, true)],
['D', "View GoDoc for Project", viewGodoc],
mapsitekeys("", [
['f', "Follow user", twitterFollowUser],
mapsitekeys("", [
['c', "Collapse comment", redditCollapseComment],
['v', "Cast vote", redditVote],
mapsitekeys("", [
['c', "Collapse comment", hnCollapseComment],
['v', "Cast vote", hnVote],
//---- Search & completion ----//
// Search leader
const sl = 'a';
// Register Search Engine Completions
// The `completions` variable is defined in `completions.js` and
// is prepended to this file by gulp-concat.
Object.keys(completions).map(function(k) {
var s = completions[k], // Search Engine object
la = sl + s.alias; // Search leader + alias
addSearchAliasX(s.alias,,, sl, s.compl, s.callback);
mapkey(la, '#8Search ' +, 'Front.openOmnibar({type: "SearchEngine", extra: "' + s.alias + '"})');
//---- Functions ----//
function fakeSpot() {
var url = "" + window.location.href;, '_blank').focus();
function ytFullscreen() {
function vimeoFullscreen() {
function ghStar(toggle) {
var repo = window.location.pathname.slice(1).split("/").slice(0,2).join("/");
var cur = $('div.starring-container > form').filter(function() {
return $(this).css("display") === "block";
var star = "★";
var status = "starred";
var verb = "is";
var starred = $(cur).attr("class").indexOf("unstarred") === -1;
if (starred) {
status = "un" + status;
star = "☆";
if (toggle) {
verb = "has been";
Front.showBanner(`${star} Repository ${repo} ${verb} ${status}!`);
function glToggleStar() {
var repo = window.location.pathname.slice(1).split("/").slice(0,2).join("/");
var action = $(' > span').click().text().toLowerCase() + "red";
var star = "☆";
if (action === "starred") {
star = "★";
Front.showBanner(star + " Repository " + repo + " " + action);
function vimEditURL() {
Front.showEditor(window.location.href, function(data) {
window.location.href = data;
}, 'url');
function whois() {
var url = "" + window.location.hostname;, '_blank').focus();
function dns() {
var url = "" + window.location.hostname;, '_blank').focus();
function dnsVerbose() {
var url = "" + window.location.hostname;, '_blank').focus();
function togglePdfViewer() {"noPdfViewer", function(resp) {
if(!resp.noPdfViewer) {{"noPdfViewer": 1}, function() {
Front.showBanner("PDF viewer disabled.");
} else {"noPdfViewer", function() {
Front.showBanner("PDF viewer enabled.");
function getURLPath(count, domain) {
var path = window.location.pathname;
if (count) {
path = path.split('/').slice(1,1+count).join('/');
if (domain) {
path = window.location.hostname + '/' + path;
return path;
function copyURLPath(count, domain) {
Front.writeClipboard(getURLPath(count, domain));
function viewGodoc() {
var repo = getURLPath(2, true);
tabOpenLink("" + repo);
function editSettings() {
function redditCollapseComment() {
Hints.create('a.expand', Hints.dispatchMouseClick);
function hnCollapseComment() {
Hints.create('a.togg', Hints.dispatchMouseClick);
function redditVote() {
Hints.create('div.arrow', Hints.dispatchMouseClick);
function hnVote() {
Hints.create('div.votearrow', Hints.dispatchMouseClick);
function twitterFollowUser() {
Hints.create('.follow-button', Hints.dispatchMouseClick);
// vim: set ft=javascript expandtab: