const completions = require("./completions") // Unmap undesired defaults const unmaps = [ "sb", "sw", "ob", "ow", "cp", ";cp", ";ap", "spa", "spb", "spd", "sps", "spc", "spi", "sfr", "zQ", "zz", "zR", "ab", "Q", "q", "ag", "af", ";s", "yp", ] unmaps.forEach((u) => { unmap(u) }) const rmSearchAliases = { s: ["g", "d", "b", "w", "s", "h"], } Object.keys(rmSearchAliases).forEach((k) => { rmSearchAliases[k].forEach((v) => { removeSearchAliasX(v, k) }) }) // ---- Settings ----// settings.hintAlign = "left" settings.omnibarSuggestionTimeout = 500 settings.hintGroups = true // settings.hintGroupStart = "middle"; settings.richHintsForKeystroke = 1 // ---- Theme ----// settings.theme = ` /* Disable RichHints CSS animation */ .expandRichHints { animation: 0s ease-in-out 1 forwards expandRichHints; } .collapseRichHints { animation: 0s ease-in-out 1 forwards collapseRichHints; } ` // ---- Maps ----// // Left-hand aliases // Movement map("w", "k") map("s", "j") // Right-hand aliases // Tab Navigation map("J", "E") map("K", "R") // History map("H", "S") map("L", "D") // ---- Functions ----// const vimEditURL = () => Front .showEditor(window.location.href, (data) => { window.location.href = data }, "url") const domainDossier = "" const whois = () => tabOpenLink(`${domainDossier}?dom_whois=true&addr=${window.location.hostname}`) const dns = () => tabOpenLink(`${domainDossier}?dom_dns=true&addr=${window.location.hostname}`) const dnsVerbose = () => tabOpenLink(`${domainDossier}?dom_whois=true&dom_dns=true&traceroute=true&net_whois=true&svc_scan=true&addr=${window.location.hostname}`) const togglePdfViewer = () =>"noPdfViewer", (resp) => { if (!resp.noPdfViewer) {{ noPdfViewer: 1 }, () => { Front.showBanner("PDF viewer disabled.") }) } else {"noPdfViewer", () => { Front.showBanner("PDF viewer enabled.") }) } }) const getURLPath = (count, domain) => { let path = window.location.pathname.slice(1) if (count) { path = path.split("/").slice(0, count).join("/") } if (domain) { path = `${window.location.hostname}/${path}` } return path } const copyURLPath = (count, domain) => () => Clipboard.write(getURLPath(count, domain)) const editSettings = () => tabOpenLink("/pages/options.html") const Hint = (selector, action = Hints.dispatchMouseClick) => () => Hints.create(selector, action) // ---- Mapkeys ----// const ri = { repeatIgnore: true } // --- Global mappings ---// // 0: Help // 1: Mouse Click // 2: Scroll Page / Element // 3: Tabs // 4: Page Navigation mapkey("gi", "#4Edit current URL with vim editor", vimEditURL, ri) mapkey("gI", "#4View image in new tab", Hint("img", i => tabOpenLink(i.src)), ri) // 5: Sessions // 6: Search selected with // 7: Clipboard mapkey("yp", "#7Copy URL path of current page", copyURLPath(), ri) mapkey("yI", "#7Copy Image URL", Hint("img", i => Clipboard.write(i.src)), ri) // 8: Omnibar // 9: Visual Mode // 10: vim-like marks // 11: Settings mapkey(";se", "#11Edit Settings", editSettings, ri) // 12: Chrome URLs mapkey("gS", "#12Open Chrome settings", () => tabOpenLink("chrome://settings/")) // 13: Proxy // 14: Misc mapkey("=w", "#14Lookup whois information for domain", whois, ri) mapkey("=d", "#14Lookup dns information for domain", dns, ri) mapkey("=D", "#14Lookup all information for domain", dnsVerbose, ri) mapkey(";pd", "#14Toggle PDF viewer from SurfingKeys", togglePdfViewer, ri) // 15: Insert Mode // --- Site-specific mappings ---// const siteleader = "" function mapsitekey(domainRegex, key, desc, f, opts = {}) { const o = Object.assign({}, { leader: siteleader, }, opts) mapkey(`${o.leader}${key}`, desc, f, { domain: domainRegex }) } function mapsitekeys(d, maps, opts = {}) { const domain = d.replace(".", "\\.") const domainRegex = new RegExp(`^http(s)?://(([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\\.)*)(${domain})(/.*)?`) maps.forEach((map) => { const [ key, desc, f, subOpts = {}, ] = map mapsitekey(domainRegex, key, desc, f, Object.assign({}, opts, subOpts)) }) } const fakeSpot = () => window .open(`${window.location.href}`, "_blank") .focus() mapsitekeys("", [ ["fs", "Fakespot", fakeSpot], ]) mapsitekeys("", [ ["fs", "Fakespot", fakeSpot], ]) const ytFullscreen = () => document .querySelector(".ytp-fullscreen-button.ytp-button") .click() mapsitekeys("", [ ["A", "Open video", Hint("*[id='video-title']")], ["C", "Open channel", Hint("*[id='byline']")], ["gH", "Goto homepage", () => window.location.assign("")], ["F", "Toggle fullscreen", ytFullscreen], ["", "Play/pause", Hint(".ytp-play-button")], ], { leader: "" }) const vimeoFullscreen = () => document .querySelector(".fullscreen-icon") .click() mapsitekeys("", [ ["F", "Toggle fullscreen", vimeoFullscreen], ]) const ghStar = toggle => () => { const repo = window.location.pathname.slice(1).split("/").slice(0, 2).join("/") const container = document.querySelector("div.starring-container") const status = container.classList.contains("on") let star = "★" let statusMsg = "starred" let verb = "is" if ((status && toggle) || (!status && !toggle)) { statusMsg = `un${statusMsg}` star = "☆" } if (toggle) { verb = "has been" if (status) { container.querySelector(".starred>button").click() } else { container.querySelector(".unstarred>button").click() } } Front.showBanner(`${star} Repository ${repo} ${verb} ${statusMsg}!`) } const viewGodoc = () => tabOpenLink(`${getURLPath(2, true)}`) mapsitekeys("", [ ["s", "Toggle Star", ghStar(true)], ["S", "Check Star", ghStar(false)], ["y", "Copy Project Path", copyURLPath(2)], ["Y", "Copy Project Path (including domain)", copyURLPath(2, true)], ["D", "View GoDoc for Project", viewGodoc], ]) const glToggleStar = () => { const repo = window.location.pathname.slice(1).split("/").slice(0, 2).join("/") const btn = document.querySelector(" > span") const action = `${btn.textContent.toLowerCase()}red` let star = "☆" if (action === "starred") { star = "★" } Front.showBanner(`${star} Repository ${repo} ${action}`) } mapsitekeys("", [ ["s", "Toggle Star", glToggleStar], ["y", "Copy Project Path", copyURLPath(2)], ["Y", "Copy Project Path (including domain)", copyURLPath(2, true)], ["D", "View GoDoc for Project", viewGodoc], ]) mapsitekeys("", [ ["f", "Follow user", Hint(".follow-button")], ["s", "Like tweet", Hint(".js-actionFavorite")], ["R", "Retweet", Hint(".js-actionRetweet")], ["c", "Comment/Reply", Hint(".js-actionReply")], ["t", "New tweet", Hint(".js-global-new-tweet")], ["T", "Tweet to", Hint(".NewTweetButton")], ["r", "Load new tweets", Hint(".new-tweets-bar")], ["g", "Goto user", Hint(".js-user-profile-link")], ]) mapsitekeys("", [ ["x", "Collapse comment", Hint(".expand")], // Not supported by the QuerySelector API // ["X", "Collapse next comment", Hint(".expand:visible:not(:contains('[+]')):nth(0)")], ["s", "Upvote", Hint(".arrow.up")], ["S", "Downvote", Hint(".arrow.down")], ["e", "Expand expando", Hint(".expando-button")], ["a", "View post (link)", Hint(".title")], ["c", "View post (comments)", Hint(".comments")], ]) const hnGoParent = () => { const par = document.querySelector(".par>a") if (!par) { return } window.location.assign(par.href) } mapsitekeys("", [ ["x", "Collapse comment", Hint(".togg")], // Not supported by the QuerySelector API // ["X", "Collapse next comment", Hint(".togg:visible:contains('[-]'):nth(0)")], ["s", "Upvote", Hint(".votearrow[title='upvote']")], ["S", "Downvote", Hint(".votearrow[title='downvote']")], ["a", "View post (link)", Hint(".storylink")], ["c", "View post (comments)", Hint("td > a[href*='item']:not(.storylink)")], ["p", "Go to parent", hnGoParent], ]) const dribbbleAttachment = cb => Hint(".attachments .thumb", a => cb(a.src.replace("/thumbnail/", "/"))) mapsitekeys("", [ ["s", "Heart Shot", Hint(".toggle-fav, .like-shot")], ["a", "View attachment image", dribbbleAttachment(a => tabOpenLink(a))], ["A", "Yank attachment image source URL", dribbbleAttachment(a => Clipboard.write(a))], ]) // ---- Search & completion ----// // Search leader const sl = "a" // Register Search Engine Completions // The `completions` variable is defined in `completions.js` and // is prepended to this file by gulp-concat. Object.keys(completions).forEach((k) => { const s = completions[k] // Search Engine object const la = sl + s.alias // Search leader + alias addSearchAliasX(s.alias,,, sl, s.compl, s.callback) mapkey(la, `#8Search ${}`, () => Front.openOmnibar({ type: "SearchEngine", extra: s.alias })) }) // vim: set ft=javascript expandtab: