/* global keys:true */ if (typeof keys === "undefined" && typeof require === "function") { keys = require("./conf.priv.js") // eslint-disable-line global-require } // ****** Helper Functions ****** // function googleCxCallback(response) { const res = JSON.parse(response.text).items Omnibar.listResults(res, (s) => { const li = $("
  • ").html(`
    `) li.data("url", s.link) return li }) } function googleCxURL(alias) { const key = `google_cx_${alias}` return `https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?key=${keys.google_cs}&cx=${keys[key]}&q=` } function googleCxPublicURL(alias) { const key = `google_cx_${alias}` return `https://cse.google.com/cse/publicurl?cx=${keys[key]}&q=` } function escape(str) { return String(str).replace(/[&<>"'`=/]/g, s => ({ "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">", "\"": """, "'": "'", "/": "/", "`": "`", "=": "=", }[s])) } // This is a base64-encoded image used as a placeholder for // the crunchbase Omnibar results if they don't have an image const blank = "" // ****** Completions ****** // const completions = {} // ****** Arch Linux ****** // // Arch Linux official repos completions.al = { alias: "al", name: "archlinux", search: "https://www.archlinux.org/packages/?arch=x86_64&q=", compl: googleCxURL("al"), callback: googleCxCallback, } // Arch Linux AUR completions.au = { alias: "au", name: "AUR", search: "https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?O=0&SeB=nd&outdated=&SB=v&SO=d&PP=100&do_Search=Go&K=", compl: "https://aur.archlinux.org/rpc?type=suggest&arg=", } completions.au.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text) Omnibar.listResults(res, s => Omnibar.createURLItem({ title: s, url: `https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/${s}`, })) } // Arch Linux Wiki completions.aw = { alias: "aw", name: "archwiki", search: "https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?go=go&search=", compl: "https://wiki.archlinux.org/api.php?action=opensearch&format=json&formatversion=2&namespace=0&limit=10&suggest=true&search=", } completions.aw.callback = (response) => { Omnibar.listWords(JSON.parse(response.text)[1]) } // Arch Linux Forums completions.af = { alias: "af", name: "archforums", search: googleCxPublicURL("af"), compl: googleCxURL("af"), callback: googleCxCallback, } // ****** Technical Resources ****** // // Chrome Webstore completions.cs = { alias: "cs", name: "chromestore", search: "https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/", compl: googleCxURL("cs"), callback: googleCxCallback, } // OWASP Wiki completions.ow = { alias: "ow", name: "owasp", search: "https://www.owasp.org/index.php?go=go&search=", compl: "https://www.owasp.org/api.php?action=opensearch&format=json&formatversion=2&namespace=0&limit=10&suggest=true&search=", } completions.ow.callback = (response) => { Omnibar.listWords(JSON.parse(response.text)[1]) } // StackOverflow completions.so = { alias: "so", name: "stackoverflow", search: "https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=", compl: "https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/search/advanced?pagesize=10&order=desc&sort=relevance&site=stackoverflow&q=", } completions.so.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text).items Omnibar.listResults(res, s => Omnibar.createURLItem({ title: `[${s.score}] ${s.title}`, url: s.link, })) } // DockerHub repo search completions.dh = { alias: "dh", name: "dockerhub", search: "https://hub.docker.com/search/?page=1&q=", compl: "https://hub.docker.com/v2/search/repositories/?page_size=20&query=", } completions.dh.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text) Omnibar.listResults(res.results, (s) => { let meta = "" let repo = escape(s.repo_name) meta += `[★${escape(s.star_count)}] ` meta += `[↓${escape(s.pull_count)}] ` if (repo.indexOf("/") === -1) { repo = `_/${repo}` } const li = $("
  • ").html(`
    `) li.data("url", `https://hub.docker.com/r/${repo}`) return li }) } // GitHub completions.gh = { alias: "gh", name: "github", search: "https://github.com/search?q=", compl: "https://api.github.com/search/repositories?sort=stars&order=desc&q=", } completions.gh.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text).items Omnibar.listResults(res, (s) => { let prefix = "" if (s.stargazers_count) { prefix += `[★${s.stargazers_count}] ` } return Omnibar.createURLItem({ title: prefix + s.full_name, url: s.html_url, }) }) } // Domainr domain search completions.do = { alias: "do", name: "domainr", search: "https://domainr.com/?q=", compl: `https://domainr.p.mashape.com/v2/search?mashape-key=${keys.domainr}&query=%s`, } completions.do.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text).results const domains = [] res.forEach((r) => { const d = { id: escape(r.domain).replace(".", "-"), domain: escape(r.domain), } domains.push(d) }) const domainQuery = domains.map(d => d.domain).join(",") runtime.command({ action: "request", method: "get", url: `https://domainr.p.mashape.com/v2/status?mashape-key=${keys.domainr}&domain=${domainQuery}`, }, (sresponse) => { const sres = JSON.parse(sresponse.text).status sres.forEach((s) => { const id = `#sk-domain-${escape(s.domain).replace(".", "-")}` const available = s.summary === "inactive" const color = available ? "#23b000" : "#ff4d00" const symbol = available ? "✔ " : "✘ " $(id).text(symbol + $(id).text()).css("color", color) }) }) Omnibar.listResults(domains, (d) => { const li = $("
  • ").html(`
    `) li.data("url", `https://domainr.com/${d.domain}`) return li }) } // Vim Wiki completions.vw = { alias: "vw", name: "vimwikia", search: "https://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Search?query=", compl: "https://vim.wikia.com/api.php?action=opensearch&format=json&formatversion=2&namespace=0&limit=10&suggest=true&search=", } completions.vw.callback = (response) => { Omnibar.listWords(JSON.parse(response.text)[1]) } // ****** Shopping & Food ****** // // Amazon completions.az = { alias: "az", name: "amazon", search: "https://smile.amazon.com/s/?field-keywords=", compl: "https://completion.amazon.com/search/complete?method=completion&mkt=1&search-alias=aps&q=", } completions.az.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text)[1] Omnibar.listWords(res) } // Craigslist completions.cl = { alias: "cl", name: "craigslist", search: "https://craigslist.org/search/sss?query=", compl: "https://craigslist.org/suggest?v=12&type=search&cat=sss&area=1&term=", } completions.cl.callback = (response) => { Omnibar.listWords(JSON.parse(response.text)) } // Yelp completions.yp = { alias: "yp", name: "yelp", search: "https://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=", compl: "https://www.yelp.com/search_suggest/v2/prefetch?prefix=", } completions.yp.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text).response const words = [] res.forEach((r) => { r.suggestions.forEach((s) => { const w = s.query if (words.indexOf(w) === -1) { words.push(w) } }) }) Omnibar.listWords(words) } // ****** General References, Calculators & Utilities ****** // // Dictionary completions.de = { alias: "de", name: "define", search: "http://onelook.com/?w=", compl: "https://api.datamuse.com/words?md=d&sp=%s*", } completions.de.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text) const defs = [] res.forEach((r) => { if (!r.defs || r.defs.length === 0) { defs.push([r.word, "", ""]) return } r.defs.forEach((d) => { const ds = d.split("\t") const sp = `(${ds[0]})` const def = ds[1] defs.push([r.word, sp, def]) }) }) Omnibar.listResults(defs, (d) => { const word = escape(d[0]) const pos = escape(d[1]) const def = escape(d[2]) const li = $("
  • ").html(`
    ${word} ${pos} ${def}
    `) li.data("url", `http://onelook.com/?w=${encodeURIComponent(d[0])}`) return li }) } // Thesaurus completions.th = { alias: "th", name: "thesaurus", search: "https://www.onelook.com/reverse-dictionary.shtml?s=", compl: "https://api.datamuse.com/words?md=d&ml=%s", } completions.th.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text) const defs = [] res.forEach((r) => { if (!r.defs || r.defs.length === 0) { defs.push([escape(r.word), "", ""]) return } r.defs.forEach((d) => { const ds = d.split("\t") const sp = `(${escape(ds[0])})` const def = escape(ds[1]) defs.push([escape(r.word), sp, def]) }) }) Omnibar.listResults(defs, (d) => { const li = $("
  • ").html(`
    ${d[0]} ${d[1]} ${d[2]}
    `) li.data("url", `http://onelook.com/?w=${d[0]}`) return li }) } // Wikipedia completions.wp = { alias: "wp", name: "wikipedia", search: "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=", compl: "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&list=prefixsearch&utf8&pssearch=", } completions.wp.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text).query.prefixsearch .map(r => r.title) Omnibar.listWords(res) } // WolframAlpha completions.wa = { alias: "wa", name: "wolframalpha", search: "http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=", compl: `http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query?appid=${keys.wolframalpha}&format=plaintext&output=json&reinterpret=true&input=%s`, } completions.wa.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text).queryresult if (res.error) { Omnibar.listResults([""], () => { const li = $("
  • ").html(`
    Error (Code ${escape(res.error.code)})
    `) return li }) return } if (!res.success) { if (res.tips) { Omnibar.listResults([""], () => { const li = $("
  • ").html(`
    No Results
    `) return li }) } if (res.didyoumeans) { Omnibar.listResults(res.didyoumeans, (s) => { const li = $("
  • ").html(`
    Did you mean...?
    `) return li }) } return } const results = [] res.pods.forEach((p) => { const result = { title: escape(p.title), values: [], url: "http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=", } if (p.numsubpods > 0) { result.url += encodeURIComponent(p.subpods[0].plaintext) p.subpods.forEach((sp) => { if (!sp.plaintext) return let v = "" if (sp.title) { v += `${escape(sp.title)}: ` } v += escape(sp.plaintext) result.values.push(`
    `) }) } if (result.values.length > 0) { results.push(result) } }) Omnibar.listResults(results, (r) => { const li = $("
  • ").html(`
    `) li.data("url", r.url) return li }) } // ****** Business Utilities & References ****** // // Crunchbase Organization Search completions.co = { alias: "co", name: "crunchbase-orgs", search: "https://www.crunchbase.com/app/search/?q=", compl: `https://api.crunchbase.com/v/3/odm_organizations?user_key=${keys.crunchbase}&query=%s`, } completions.co.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text).data.items const orgs = [] res.forEach((rr) => { const r = rr.properties const p = { name: escape(r.name), domain: escape(r.domain), desc: escape(r.short_description), role: escape(r.primary_role), img: blank, loc: "", url: `https://www.crunchbase.com/${r.web_path}`, } p.loc += (r.city_name !== null) ? escape(r.city_name) : "" p.loc += (r.region_name !== null && p.loc !== "") ? ", " : "" p.loc += (r.region_name !== null) ? escape(r.region_name) : "" p.loc += (r.country_code !== null && p.loc !== "") ? ", " : "" p.loc += (r.country_code !== null) ? escape(r.country_code) : "" p.loc += (p.loc === "") ? "Earth" : "" if (r.profile_image_url !== null) { const url = encodeURIComponent(r.profile_image_url) const path = url.split("/") const img = path[path.length - 1] p.img = `http://public.crunchbase.com/t_api_images/v1402944794/c_pad,h_50,w_50/${img}` } orgs.push(p) }) Omnibar.listResults(orgs, (p) => { const li = $("
  • ").html(`
    Type: ${p.role}, Domain: ${p.domain}
    `) li.data("url", p.url) return li }) } // Crunchbase People Search completions.cp = { alias: "cp", name: "crunchbase-people", search: "https://www.crunchbase.com/app/search/?q=", compl: `https://api.crunchbase.com/v/3/odm_people?user_key=${keys.crunchbase}&query=%s`, } completions.cp.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text).data.items const people = [] res.forEach((rr) => { const r = rr.properties const p = { name: `${escape(r.first_name)} ${escape(r.last_name)}`, desc: "", img: blank, loc: "", url: `https://www.crunchbase.com/${r.web_path}`, } p.desc += (r.title !== null) ? escape(r.title) : "" p.desc += (r.organization_name !== null && p.desc !== "") ? ", " : "" p.desc += (r.organization_name !== null) ? escape(r.organization_name) : "" p.desc += (p.desc === "") ? "Human" : "" p.loc += (r.city_name !== null) ? escape(r.city_name) : "" p.loc += (r.region_name !== null && p.loc !== "") ? ", " : "" p.loc += (r.region_name !== null) ? escape(r.region_name) : "" p.loc += (r.country_code !== null && p.loc !== "") ? ", " : "" p.loc += (r.country_code !== null) ? escape(r.country_code) : "" p.loc += (p.loc === "") ? "Earth" : "" if (r.profile_image_url !== null) { const url = r.profile_image_url const path = url.split("/") const img = encodeURIComponent(path[path.length - 1]) p.img = `http://public.crunchbase.com/t_api_images/v1402944794/c_pad,h_50,w_50/${img}` } people.push(p) }) Omnibar.listResults(people, (p) => { const li = $("
  • ").html(`
    `) li.data("url", p.url) return li }) } // ****** Search Engines ****** // // DuckDuckGo completions.dg = { alias: "dg", name: "duckduckgo", search: "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=", compl: "https://duckduckgo.com/ac/?q=", } completions.dg.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text).map(r => r.phrase) Omnibar.listWords(res) } // Google completions.go = { alias: "go", name: "google", search: "https://www.google.com/search?q=", compl: "https://www.google.com/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext&oit=1&cp=1&pgcl=7&q=", } completions.go.callback = (response) => { Omnibar.listWords(JSON.parse(response.text)[1]) } // Google Images completions.gi = { alias: "gi", name: "google-images", search: "https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=", compl: "https://www.google.com/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext&oit=1&cp=1&pgcl=7&ds=i&q=", } completions.gi.callback = (response) => { Omnibar.listWords(JSON.parse(response.text)[1]) } // Google - I'm Feeling Lucky completions.gl = { alias: "gl", name: "google-lucky", search: "https://www.google.com/search?btnI=1&q=", compl: "https://www.google.com/complete/search?client=chrome-omni&gs_ri=chrome-ext&oit=1&cp=1&pgcl=7&q=", } completions.gl.callback = (response) => { Omnibar.listWords(JSON.parse(response.text)[1]) } // ****** Elixir ****** // // Hex.pm completions.hx = { alias: "hx", name: "hex", search: "https://hex.pm/packages?sort=downloads&search=", compl: "https://hex.pm/api/packages?sort=downloads&search=", } completions.hx.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text) Omnibar.listResults(res, (s) => { let dls = "" let desc = "" let liscs = "" if (s.downloads && s.downloads.all) { dls = `[↓${escape(s.downloads.all)}] ` } if (s.meta) { if (s.meta.description) { desc = escape(s.meta.description) } if (s.meta.licenses) { s.meta.licenses.forEach((l) => { liscs += `[©${escape(l)}] ` }) } } const li = $("
  • ").html(`
    `) li.data("url", s.html_url) return li }) } // hexdocs // Same as hex but links to documentation pages completions.hd = { alias: "hd", name: "hexdocs", search: "https://hex.pm/packages?sort=downloads&search=", compl: "https://hex.pm/api/packages?sort=downloads&search=", } completions.hd.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text) Omnibar.listResults(res, (s) => { let dls = "" let desc = "" let liscs = "" if (s.downloads && s.downloads.all) { dls = `[↓${escape(s.downloads.all)}]` } if (s.meta) { if (s.meta.description) { desc = escape(s.meta.description) } if (s.meta.licenses) { s.meta.licenses.forEach((l) => { liscs += `[©${escape(l)}] ` }) } } const li = $("
  • ").html(`
    `) li.data("url", `https://hexdocs.pm/${encodeURIComponent(s.name)}`) return li }) } // Exdocs // Similar to `hd` but searches inside docs using Google Custom Search completions.ex = { alias: "ex", name: "exdocs", search: "https://hex.pm/packages?sort=downloads&search=", compl: googleCxURL("ex"), } completions.ex.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text).items Omnibar.listResults(res, (s) => { let hash = "" const snippet = s.htmlSnippet const openTag = "" const closeTag = "" const openArgs = "(" const closeArgs = ")" let f1 = snippet.indexOf(openTag) if (f1 === -1) { return } const f2 = snippet.indexOf(closeTag) if (f2 === -1) { return } f1 += openTag.length const f3 = f2 + closeTag.length const fname = snippet.slice(f1, f2) const snippetEnd = snippet.slice(f3) const a1 = snippetEnd.indexOf(openArgs) if (a1 !== 0) { return } let a2 = snippetEnd.indexOf(closeArgs) if (a2 === -1) { return } a2 += closeArgs.length const fargs = snippetEnd.slice(a1, a2) const fary = fargs.replace(new RegExp(openArgs + closeArgs), "").split(",").length hash = escape(`${fname}/${fary}`) const moduleName = escape(s.title).split(" –")[0] let subtitle = "" if (hash) { subtitle = `
    ` } const li = $("
  • ").html(`
    `) li.data("url", `${s.link}#${hash}`) return li // eslint-disable-line consistent-return }) } // ****** Golang ****** // // Godoc completions.gd = { alias: "gd", name: "godoc", search: "https://godoc.org/?q=", compl: "https://api.godoc.org/search?q=", } completions.gd.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text).results Omnibar.listResults(res, (s) => { let prefix = "" if (s.import_count) { prefix += `[↓${s.import_count}] ` } if (s.stars) { prefix += `[★${s.stars}] ` } return Omnibar.createURLItem({ title: prefix + s.path, url: `https://godoc.org/${s.path}`, }) }) } // Gowalker completions.gw = { alias: "gw", name: "gowalker", search: "https://gowalker.org/search?auto_redirect=true&q=", compl: "https://gowalker.org/search/json?q=", } completions.gw.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text).results Omnibar.listResults(res, (s) => { const title = escape(s.title) const desc = escape(s.description) const li = $("
  • ").html(`
    `) li.data("url", `https://golang.org/doc/${encodeURIComponent(s.url)}`) return li }) } // Go-Search completions.gs = { alias: "gs", name: "go-search", search: "http://go-search.org/search?q=", compl: "http://go-search.org/api?action=search&q=", } completions.gs.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text).hits .map(r => r.package) Omnibar.listWords(res) } // ****** Haskell ****** // // Hackage completions.ha = { alias: "ha", name: "hackage", search: "https://hackage.haskell.org/packages/search?terms=", compl: "https://hackage.haskell.org/packages/search.json?terms=", } completions.ha.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text) Omnibar.listResults(res, s => Omnibar.createURLItem({ title: s.name, url: `https://hackage.haskell.org/package/${s.name}`, })) } // Hoogle completions.ho = { alias: "ho", name: "hoogle", search: `https://www.haskell.org/hoogle/?hoogle=${ encodeURIComponent("+platform +xmonad +xmonad-contrib ")}`, // This tells Hoogle to include these modules in the search - encodeURIComponent is only used for better readability compl: `https://www.haskell.org/hoogle/?mode=json&hoogle=${ encodeURIComponent("+platform +xmonad +xmonad-contrib ")}`, } completions.ho.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text).results Omnibar.listResults(res, s => Omnibar.createURLItem({ title: s.self, url: s.location, })) } // Haskell Wiki completions.hw = { alias: "hw", name: "haskellwiki", search: "https://wiki.haskell.org/index.php?go=go&search=", compl: "https://wiki.haskell.org/api.php?action=opensearch&format=json&formatversion=2&namespace=0&limit=10&suggest=true&search=", } completions.hw.callback = (response) => { Omnibar.listWords(JSON.parse(response.text)[1]) } // Hayoo completions.hy = { alias: "hy", name: "hayoo", search: "http://hayoo.fh-wedel.de/?query=", compl: "http://hayoo.fh-wedel.de/json?query=", } completions.hy.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text).result Omnibar.listResults(res, s => Omnibar.createURLItem({ title: `[${s.resultType}] ${s.resultName}`, url: s.resultUri, })) } // ****** HTML, CSS, JavaScript, NodeJS, ... ****** // // jQuery API documentation completions.jq = { alias: "jq", name: "jquery", search: googleCxPublicURL("jq"), compl: googleCxURL("jq"), callback: googleCxCallback, } // NodeJS standard library documentation completions.no = { alias: "no", name: "node", search: googleCxPublicURL("no"), compl: googleCxURL("no"), callback: googleCxCallback, } // Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) completions.md = { alias: "md", name: "mdn", search: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/search?q=", compl: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/search.json?q=", } completions.md.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text) Omnibar.listResults(res.documents, (s) => { let excerpt = escape(s.excerpt) if (excerpt.length > 240) { excerpt = `${excerpt.slice(0, 240)}…` } res.query.split(" ").forEach((q) => { excerpt = excerpt.replace(new RegExp(q, "gi"), "$&") }) const title = escape(s.title) const slug = escape(s.slug) const li = $("
  • ").html(`
    `) li.data("url", s.url) return li }) } // NPM registry search completions.np = { alias: "np", name: "npm", search: "https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=", compl: "https://api.npms.io/v2/search/suggestions?size=20&q=", } completions.np.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text) Omnibar.listResults(res, (s) => { let flags = "" let desc = "" let stars = "" let score = "" if (s.package.description) { desc = escape(s.package.description) } if (s.score) { if (s.score.final) { score = Math.round(Number(s.score.final) * 5) stars = "★".repeat(score) + "☆".repeat(5 - score) } } if (s.flags) { Object.keys(s.flags).forEach((f) => { flags += `[ ${escape(f)}] ` }) } const li = $("
  • ").html(`
    ${stars} ${flags}
    `) li.data("url", s.package.links.npm) return li }) } // ****** Social Media & Entertainment ****** // // Hacker News (YCombinator) completions.hn = { alias: "hn", name: "hackernews", search: "https://hn.algolia.com/?query=", compl: "https://hn.algolia.com/api/v1/search?tags=(story,comment)&query=", } completions.hn.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text) Omnibar.listResults(res.hits, (s) => { let title = "" let prefix = "" if (s.points) { prefix += `[↑${s.points}] ` } if (s.num_comments) { prefix += `[↲${s.num_comments}] ` } switch (s._tags[0]) { // eslint-disable-line no-underscore-dangle case "story": title = s.title break case "comment": title = s.comment_text break default: title = s.objectID } const re = new RegExp(`(${res.query.split(" ").join("|")})`, "ig") title = title.replace(re, "$&") const li = $("
  • ").html(`
    ${prefix + title}
    `) li.data("url", s.link) return li }) } // Reddit completions.re = { alias: "re", name: "reddit", search: "https://www.reddit.com/search?sort=relevance&t=all&q=", compl: "https://api.reddit.com/search?syntax=plain&sort=relevance&limit=20&q=", } completions.re.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text).data.children Omnibar.listResults(res, (s) => { const d = s.data return Omnibar.createURLItem({ title: `[${d.score}] ${d.title}`, url: `https://reddit.com${d.permalink}`, }) }) } // YouTube completions.yt = { alias: "yt", name: "youtube", search: "https://www.youtube.com/search?q=", compl: `https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?maxResults=20&part=snippet&type=video,channel&key=${keys.google_yt}&safeSearch=none&q=`, } completions.yt.callback = (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.text).items Omnibar.listResults(res, (s) => { switch (s.id.kind) { case "youtube#channel": return Omnibar.createURLItem({ title: `${s.snippet.channelTitle}: ${s.snippet.description}`, url: `https://youtube.com/channel/${s.id.channelId}`, }) case "youtube#video": return Omnibar.createURLItem({ title: ` ▶ ${s.snippet.title}`, url: `https://youtu.be/${s.id.videoId}`, }) default: return "" } }) } if (typeof module !== "undefined" && typeof module.exports !== "undefined") { module.exports = completions }