### Maddy's SurfingKeys Configuration This is my personal configuration for the wonderful [SurfingKeys](https://github.com/brookhong/Surfingkeys) browser extension. #### Table of Contents 1. [Bundled Search Engine Completions](#bundled-search-engine-completions) 2. [Installation Instructions](#installation) 3. [Screenshots](#screenshots) 4. [License](#license) #### Bundled Search Engine Completions There are currently Search Engine auto-completions. You can access a Search Engine auto-completion by pressing the search leader key, which is `a` by default, followed by the search engine alias. For example, to open the Wikipedia completion, you would type `awp` while in normal mode. | Alias | Name | Domain | Screenshots | | ---- | ------ | ----- | ----- | #### Installation ##### Dependencies - `git` - `node` - `gulp`. ##### 1. Clone ```shell $ git clone http://github.com/b0o/surfingkeys-conf $ cd surfingkeys-conf ``` ##### 2. NPM Install ```shell $ npm install ``` ##### 3. Private API Key Configuration Copy the example private configuration: ```shell $ cp ./conf.priv.example.js ./conf.priv.js ``` Open `./conf.priv.js` in your favorite editor and follow the instructions inside: ```shell $ vim ./conf.priv.js ``` ##### 4. Gulp Build/Install ```shell $ gulp install ``` This will build the final configuration file and place it in `~/.surfingkeys`. If you already have a file in that location, make sure you back it up first! ##### 5. Load your configuration in the SurfingKeys Extension The final step is to tell SurfingKeys where to find your configuration file: - __I.__ Visit [`chrome://extensions/`](chrome://extensions/) and enable `Allow access to file URLs` for the Surfingkeys extension - __II.__ Open the SurfingKeys [configuration page](chrome-extension://mffcegbjcdejldmihkogmcnkgbbhioid/pages/options.html) - __III.__ Set the `Load settings from` option to the correct path (substituting `$USER` for your username): - __Linux, MacOS, Unix__: `file:///home/$USER/.surfingkeys` - __Windows__: `file://%Homedrive%%Homepath%/.surfingkeys` (This is a guess, please correct me if I'm wrong.) ##### 6. Hack Away! If you ever make a change to any of your configuration files in the future, simply run `gulp install` again and your settings will be immediately updated. #### Screenshots #### Todo - [ ] Simplify installation process - [ ] Improve code organization - [ ] Ensure screenshots have a plain white background - [ ] Add additional screenshots - [x] Feed the kittens ### License ©2017-2018 Maddison Hellstrom - MIT License