Maddy's SurfingKeys Configuration ================================= [![Commitizen friendly](]( This is my personal configuration for the wonderful [SurfingKeys]( browser extension. Its primary features include [keybindings for performing common actions](#site-specific-key-mappings) on many popular sites, as well OmniBar support for [auto-completing searches](#bundled-search-engine-completions) within 44 sites (and growing)! Table of Contents ----------------- 1. [Site-Specific Key Mappings](#site-specific-key-mappings) 2. [Bundled Search Engine Completions](#bundled-search-engine-completions) 3. [Installation Instructions](#installation) 4. [Screenshots](#screenshots) 5. [Todo](#todo) 6. [License](#license) Features -------- ### Site-Specific Key Mappings Key mappings have been included which can help you perform some common actions on many popular sites. Some examples of these mappings are: - Star the current GitHub/GitLab repository: `s` - Follow a user on Twitter: `f` - Upvote a post/comment on Reddit/HackerNews `s` - Analyze the current Amazon Product using Fakespot `fs` The mappings are activated by typing the `` (`` by default), followed by the key sequence. See [conf.js](./conf.js) for all of the mappings. ### Bundled Search Engine Completions There are currently 44 Search Engine auto-completions. You can access a Search Engine auto-completion by pressing the search leader key, which is `a` by default, followed by the search engine alias. For example, to open the Wikipedia completion, you would type `awp` while in normal mode. | Alias | Name | Domain | Screenshots | | ---- | ------ | ----- | ----- | | `af` | `archforums` | `Google Custom Search` | | | `al` | `archlinux` | `` | | | `au` | `AUR` | `` | | | `aw` | `archwiki` | `` | | | `az` | `amazon` | `` | | | `cl` | `craigslist` | `` | | | `co` | `crunchbase-orgs` | `` | | | `cp` | `crunchbase-people` | `` | [:framed_picture:](#crunchbase-people) | | `cs` | `chromestore` | `` | | | `de` | `define` | `` | [:framed_picture:](#define) | | `dg` | `duckduckgo` | `` | | | `dh` | `dockerhub` | `` | [:framed_picture:](#dockerhub) | | `do` | `domainr` | `` | [:framed_picture:](#domainr) | | `eb` | `ebay` | `` | | | `ex` | `exdocs` | `` | | | `gd` | `godoc` | `` | | | `gg` | `golang` | `Google Custom Search` | | | `gh` | `github` | `` | [:framed_picture:](#github) | | `gi` | `google-images` | `` | | | `gl` | `google-lucky` | `` | | | `go` | `google` | `` | | | `gs` | `go-search` | `` | | | `gw` | `gowalker` | `` | | | `ha` | `hackage` | `` | | | `hd` | `hexdocs` | `` | | | `hn` | `hackernews` | `` | [:framed_picture:](#hackernews) | | `ho` | `hoogle` | `` | [:framed_picture:](#hoogle) | | `hw` | `haskellwiki` | `` | | | `hx` | `hex` | `` | | | `hy` | `hayoo` | `` | | | `jq` | `jquery` | `Google Custom Search` | | | `md` | `mdn` | `` | [:framed_picture:](#mdn) | | `no` | `node` | `Google Custom Search` | | | `np` | `npm` | `` | [:framed_picture:](#npm) | | `ow` | `owasp` | `` | | | `re` | `reddit` | `` | | | `so` | `stackoverflow` | `` | | | `th` | `thesaurus` | `` | [:framed_picture:](#thesaurus) | | `vw` | `vimwikia` | `` | | | `wa` | `wolframalpha` | `` | [:framed_picture:](#wolframalpha) [:framed_picture:](#wolframalpha-2) | | `wp` | `wikipedia` | `` | | | `ws` | `wikipedia-simple` | `` | | | `yp` | `yelp` | `` | | | `yt` | `youtube` | `` | [:framed_picture:](#youtube) | Installation ------------ ### Dependencies Building `surfingkeys-conf` requires a few dependencies to be installed: - `git` - `node` - `gulp` ### Building & Installing 1. __Clone this repository__ ```shell $ git clone $ cd surfingkeys-conf ``` 2. __Install the NodeJS build dependencies__ ```shell $ npm install ``` 3. __*(Optional)* Private API Key Configuration__ Some Search Engine Auto-Completions require private API keys for access. These keys are defined in `conf.priv.js`, which is not itself included in this repository. An example configuration containing instructions on how to generate each API key can be found in [conf.priv.example.js](./conf.priv.example.js). Copy the example private configuration: ```shell $ cp ./conf.priv.example.js ./conf.priv.js ``` Open `./conf.priv.js` in your favorite editor and follow the instructions inside: ```shell $ vim ./conf.priv.js ``` 4. __Gulp Build/Install__ ```shell $ gulp install # OR "gulp build" to build to ./build/.surfingkeys without installing ``` This will build the final configuration file and place it at `~/.surfingkeys`. If you already have a file in that location, make sure you back it up first! 5. __Load your configuration into the SurfingKeys Extension__
Option A (recommended): Configure SurfingKeys to automatically load configuration file from disk - __I.__ Visit [`chrome://extensions/`](chrome://extensions/) and enable `Allow access to file URLs` for the Surfingkeys extension - __II.__ Open the SurfingKeys [configuration page](chrome-extension://mffcegbjcdejldmihkogmcnkgbbhioid/pages/options.html) - __III.__ Set the `Load settings from` option to point to the configuration file. _Note: you must specify the full, absolute path; environment variables like `$HOME` or the tilde `~` won't work_: - __Linux__: `file:///home/{USERNAME}/.surfingkeys` (replace `{USERNAME}` with your username) - __macOS__: `file:///Users/{USERNAME}/.surfingkeys` (replace `{USERNAME}` with your username) - __Windows__: `file://%Homedrive%%Homepath%/.surfingkeys` (This is a guess, please correct me if I'm wrong) - __IV.__ Hack Away! If you ever make a change to any of your configuration files in the future, simply run `gulp install` again and your new configuration will automatically be loaded by SurfingKeys.
Option B: Manually copy/paste into the SurfingKeys configuration form - __I.__ Copy the contents of `./build/.surfingkeys` (or `$HOME/.surfingkeys` if you ran `gulp install`) - __II.__ Open the SurfingKeys [configuration page](chrome-extension://mffcegbjcdejldmihkogmcnkgbbhioid/pages/options.html) - __III.__ Paste into the text box, then press `save` - __IV.__ Repeat steps 4 & 5 after any changes you make to any of your configuration files.
Screenshots ----------- ##### crunchbase-people ![crunchbase-people screenshot](./assets/screenshots/cp.png) ##### define ![define screenshot](./assets/screenshots/de.png) ##### dockerhub ![dockerhub screenshot](./assets/screenshots/dh.png) ##### domainr ![domainr screenshot](./assets/screenshots/do.png) ##### github ![github screenshot](./assets/screenshots/gh.png) ##### hackernews ![hackernews screenshot](./assets/screenshots/hn.png) ##### hoogle ![hoogle screenshot](./assets/screenshots/ho.png) ##### mdn ![mdn screenshot](./assets/screenshots/md.png) ##### npm ![npm screenshot](./assets/screenshots/np.png) ##### thesaurus ![thesaurus screenshot](./assets/screenshots/th.png) ##### wolframalpha ![wolframalpha screenshot](./assets/screenshots/wa-01.png) ##### wolframalpha 2 ![wolframalpha screenshot](./assets/screenshots/wa-02.png) ##### youtube ![youtube screenshot](./assets/screenshots/yt.png) Todo ---- - [ ] Add `` using [conventional-changelog]( - [ ] Improve code organization - [ ] Ensure screenshots have a plain white background - [ ] Add additional screenshots - [x] Simplify installation process - [x] Feed the kittens License ------- ©2017-2018 Maddison Hellstrom - MIT License