const { categories } = require("./help") const util = {} util.getCurrentLocation = (prop = "href") => { if (typeof window === "undefined") { return "" } return window.location[prop] } util.escape = (str) => String(str).replace(/[&<>"'`=/]/g, (s) => ({ "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">", "\"": """, "'": "'", "/": "/", "`": "`", "=": "=", }[s])) // util.escapeRegExp = (str) => str.replace(/[.*+\-?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&") util.until = (check, test = (a) => a, maxAttempts = 50, interval = 50) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const f = (attempts = 0) => { const res = check() if (!test(res)) { if (attempts > maxAttempts) { reject(new Error("until: timeout")) } else { setTimeout(() => f(attempts + 1), interval) } return } resolve(res) } f() }) util.createSuggestionItem = (html, props = {}) => { const li = document.createElement("li") li.innerHTML = html return { html: li.outerHTML, props } } util.createURLItem = (title, url, sanitize = true) => { let t = title let u = url if (sanitize) { t = util.escape(t) u = new URL(u).toString() } return util.createSuggestionItem(`
`, { url: u }) } util.createHintsAsync = (cssSelector, onHintKey, attrs) => new Promise((resolve) => Hints.create(cssSelector, (...args) => resolve(...args), attrs)) util.createHintsFiltered = (filter, { elems = [...document.querySelectorAll("a[href]")], action = Hints.dispatchMouseClick, } = {}) => Hints.create(elems.filter(filter), action) // Determine if the given rect is visible in the viewport util.isRectVisibleInViewport = (rect) => rect.height > 0 && rect.width > 0 && rect.bottom >= 0 && rect.right >= 0 && <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && rect.left <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) // Determine if the given element is visible in the viewport util.isElementInViewport = (e) => e.offsetHeight > 0 && e.offsetWidth > 0 && !e.getAttribute("disabled") && util.isRectVisibleInViewport(e.getBoundingClientRect()) // Process Unmaps util.rmMaps = (a) => { if (typeof unmap === "undefined") { return } a.forEach((u) => unmap(u)) } util.rmSearchAliases = (a) => Object.entries(a).forEach(([leader, items]) => { if (typeof removeSearchAliasX === "undefined") { return } items.forEach((v) => removeSearchAliasX(v, leader)) }) // Process Mappings util.processMaps = (maps, aliases, siteleader) => { if (typeof map === "undefined" || typeof mapkey === "undefined") { return } const hydratedAliases = Object.entries(aliases) .flatMap(([baseDomain, aliasDomains]) => aliasDomains.flatMap((a) => ({ [a]: maps[baseDomain] }))) const mapsAndAliases = Object.assign({}, maps, ...hydratedAliases) Object.entries(mapsAndAliases).forEach(([domain, domainMaps]) => domainMaps.forEach(((mapObj) => { const { alias, callback, leader = (domain === "global") ? "" : siteleader, category = categories.misc, description = "", } = mapObj const opts = {} const key = `${leader}${alias}` // Determine if it's a site-specific mapping if (domain !== "global") { const d = domain.replace(".", "\\.") opts.domain = new RegExp(`^http(s)?://(([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\\.)*)(${d})(/.*)?`) } const fullDescription = `#${category} ${description}` if (typeof !== "undefined") { map(alias, } else { mapkey(key, fullDescription, callback, opts) } }))) } // process completions util.processCompletions = (completions, searchleader) => Object.values(completions).forEach((s) => { if (typeof Front === "undefined" || typeof addSearchAliasX === "undefined" || typeof mapkey === "undefined") { return } addSearchAliasX(s.alias,,, searchleader, s.compl, s.callback) mapkey(`${searchleader}${s.alias}`, `#8Search ${}`, () => Front.openOmnibar({ type: "SearchEngine", extra: s.alias })) mapkey(`c${searchleader}${s.alias}`, `#8Search ${} with clipboard contents`, () => { => { // TODO: use navigator.clipboard Front.openOmnibar({ type: "SearchEngine", pref:, extra: s.alias }) }) }) }) util.addSettings = (s) => { if (typeof settings === "undefined") { return } Object.assign(settings, s) } module.exports = util