
203 lines
6.3 KiB

use glium;
use glium::{Frame, Surface, GlObject};
use glium::backend::Facade;
use glium::index::PrimitiveType;
use glium::texture::{MipmapsOption, UncompressedFloatFormat, Texture2d};
use smithay::backend::graphics::egl::EGLGraphicsBackend;
use smithay::backend::graphics::egl::wayland::{Format, EGLImages};
use smithay::backend::graphics::glium::GliumGraphicsBackend;
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::ops::Deref;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Vertex {
position: [f32; 2],
tex_coords: [f32; 2],
implement_vertex!(Vertex, position, tex_coords);
pub struct GliumDrawer<F: EGLGraphicsBackend + 'static> {
display: GliumGraphicsBackend<F>,
vertex_buffer: glium::VertexBuffer<Vertex>,
index_buffer: glium::IndexBuffer<u16>,
program: glium::Program,
impl<F: EGLGraphicsBackend + 'static> Deref for GliumDrawer<F> {
type Target = F;
fn deref(&self) -> &F {
impl<F: EGLGraphicsBackend + 'static> Borrow<F> for GliumDrawer<F> {
fn borrow(&self) -> &F {
impl<T: Into<GliumGraphicsBackend<T>> + EGLGraphicsBackend + 'static> From<T> for GliumDrawer<T> {
fn from(backend: T) -> GliumDrawer<T> {
let display = backend.into();
// building the vertex buffer, which contains all the vertices that we will draw
let vertex_buffer = glium::VertexBuffer::new(
Vertex {
position: [0.0, 0.0],
tex_coords: [0.0, 0.0],
Vertex {
position: [0.0, 1.0],
tex_coords: [0.0, 1.0],
Vertex {
position: [1.0, 1.0],
tex_coords: [1.0, 1.0],
Vertex {
position: [1.0, 0.0],
tex_coords: [1.0, 0.0],
// building the index buffer
let index_buffer =
glium::IndexBuffer::new(&display, PrimitiveType::TriangleStrip, &[1 as u16, 2, 0, 3]).unwrap();
// compiling shaders and linking them together
let program = program!(&display,
100 => {
vertex: "
#version 100
uniform lowp mat4 matrix;
attribute lowp vec2 position;
attribute lowp vec2 tex_coords;
varying lowp vec2 v_tex_coords;
void main() {
gl_Position = matrix * vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);
v_tex_coords = tex_coords;
fragment: "
#version 100
uniform lowp sampler2D tex;
varying lowp vec2 v_tex_coords;
void main() {
lowp vec4 color = texture2D(tex, v_tex_coords);
gl_FragColor.r = color.z;
gl_FragColor.g = color.y;
gl_FragColor.b = color.x;
gl_FragColor.a = color.w;
GliumDrawer {
impl<F: EGLGraphicsBackend + 'static> GliumDrawer<F> {
pub fn texture_from_mem(&self, contents: &[u8], surface_dimensions: (u32, u32)) -> Texture2d {
let image = glium::texture::RawImage2d {
data: contents.into(),
width: surface_dimensions.0,
height: surface_dimensions.1,
format: glium::texture::ClientFormat::U8U8U8U8,
Texture2d::new(&self.display, image).unwrap()
pub fn texture_from_egl(&self, images: &EGLImages)
-> Option<Texture2d>
let format = match images.format {
Format::RGB => UncompressedFloatFormat::U8U8U8,
Format::RGBA => UncompressedFloatFormat::U8U8U8U8,
_ => return None,
let opengl_texture = Texture2d::empty_with_format(
if let Err(_) = unsafe { self.display.get_context().exec_in_context(|| {
images.bind_to_texture(0, opengl_texture.get_id())
}) } { return None };
pub fn render_texture(&self, target: &mut glium::Frame, texture: &Texture2d,
y_inverted: bool, surface_dimensions: (u32, u32),
surface_location: (i32, i32), screen_size: (u32, u32))
let xscale = 2.0 * (surface_dimensions.0 as f32) / (screen_size.0 as f32);
let mut yscale = -2.0 * (surface_dimensions.1 as f32) / (screen_size.1 as f32);
let x = 2.0 * (surface_location.0 as f32) / (screen_size.0 as f32) - 1.0;
let mut y = 1.0 - 2.0 * (surface_location.1 as f32) / (screen_size.1 as f32);
if y_inverted {
yscale = -yscale;
y -= surface_dimensions.1 as f32;
let uniforms = uniform! {
matrix: [
[xscale, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0],
[ 0.0 , yscale , 0.0, 0.0],
[ 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0, 0.0],
[ x , y , 0.0, 1.0]
tex: texture,
&glium::DrawParameters {
blend: glium::Blend {
color: glium::BlendingFunction::Addition {
source: glium::LinearBlendingFactor::One,
destination: glium::LinearBlendingFactor::OneMinusSourceAlpha,
alpha: glium::BlendingFunction::Addition {
source: glium::LinearBlendingFactor::One,
destination: glium::LinearBlendingFactor::OneMinusSourceAlpha,
depth: glium::Depth {
test: glium::DepthTest::IfLess,
write: false,
.. Default::default()
pub fn draw(&self) -> Frame {