//! Implementation of input backend trait for types provided by `libinput` use backend::SeatInternal; use backend::input::{InputBackend, InputHandler, Seat, SeatCapabilities}; use input::{Libinput, Device, Seat as LibinputSeat, DeviceCapability}; use input::event::*; use std::io::Error as IoError; use std::collections::hash_map::{DefaultHasher, Entry, HashMap}; use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; pub struct LibinputInputBackend { context: Libinput, devices: Vec, seats: HashMap, handler: Option + 'static>>, } impl InputBackend for LibinputInputBackend { type InputConfig = [Device]; type EventError = IoError; fn set_handler + 'static>(&mut self, mut handler: H) { if self.handler.is_some() { self.clear_handler(); } for seat in self.seats.values() { handler.on_seat_created(&seat); } self.handler = Some(Box::new(handler)); } fn get_handler(&mut self) -> Option<&mut InputHandler> { self.handler .as_mut() .map(|handler| handler as &mut InputHandler) } fn clear_handler(&mut self) { if let Some(mut handler) = self.handler.take() { for seat in self.seats.values() { handler.on_seat_destroyed(&seat); } } } fn input_config(&mut self) -> &mut Self::InputConfig { &mut self.devices } fn set_cursor_position(&mut self, _x: u32, _y: u32) -> Result<(), ()> { // FIXME later. // This will be doable with the hardware cursor api and probably some more cases Err(()) } fn dispatch_new_events(&mut self) -> Result<(), IoError> { self.context.dispatch()?; for event in &mut self.context { match event { Event::Device(device_event) => { use input::event::device::*; match device_event { DeviceEvent::Added(device_added_event) => { let added = device_added_event.into_event().device(); let new_caps = SeatCapabilities { pointer: added.has_capability(DeviceCapability::Pointer), keyboard: added.has_capability(DeviceCapability::Keyboard), touch: added.has_capability(DeviceCapability::Touch), }; let device_seat = added.seat(); self.devices.push(added); match self.seats.entry(device_seat) { Entry::Occupied(mut seat_entry) => { let old_seat = seat_entry.get_mut(); { let caps = old_seat.capabilities_mut(); caps.pointer = new_caps.pointer || caps.pointer; caps.keyboard = new_caps.keyboard || caps.keyboard; caps.touch = new_caps.touch || caps.touch; } if let Some(ref mut handler) = self.handler { handler.on_seat_changed(old_seat); } }, Entry::Vacant(seat_entry) => { let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::default(); seat_entry.key().hash(&mut hasher); let seat = seat_entry.insert(Seat::new(hasher.finish(), new_caps)); if let Some(ref mut handler) = self.handler { handler.on_seat_created(seat); } } } }, DeviceEvent::Removed(device_removed_event) => { let removed = device_removed_event.into_event().device(); // remove device self.devices.retain(|dev| *dev == removed); let device_seat = removed.seat(); // update capabilities, so they appear correctly on `on_seat_changed` and `on_seat_destroyed`. if let Some(seat) = self.seats.get_mut(&device_seat) { let caps = seat.capabilities_mut(); caps.pointer = self.devices.iter().any(|x| x.has_capability(DeviceCapability::Pointer)); caps.keyboard = self.devices.iter().any(|x| x.has_capability(DeviceCapability::Keyboard)); caps.touch = self.devices.iter().any(|x| x.has_capability(DeviceCapability::Touch)); } else { panic!("Seat changed that was never created") } // check if the seat has any other devices if !self.devices.iter().any(|x| x.seat() == device_seat) { // it has not, lets destroy it if let Some(seat) = self.seats.remove(&device_seat) { if let Some(ref mut handler) = self.handler { handler.on_seat_destroyed(&seat); } } else { panic!("Seat destroyed that was never created"); } } else { // it has, notify about updates if let Some(ref mut handler) = self.handler { handler.on_seat_changed(self.seats.get(&device_seat).unwrap()); } } }, } if let Some(ref mut handler) = self.handler { handler.on_input_config_changed(&mut self.devices); } }, Event::Touch(touch_event) => {}, Event::Keyboard(keyboard_event) => {}, Event::Pointer(pointer_event) => {}, _ => {}, //FIXME: What to do with the rest. } }; Ok(()) } }