//! Implementation of backend traits for types provided by `winit` use backend::{SeatInternal, TouchSlotInternal}; use backend::graphics::GraphicsBackend; use backend::graphics::egl::{CreationError, EGLContext, EGLGraphicsBackend, GlAttributes, NativeDisplay, NativeSurface, PixelFormat, PixelFormatRequirements, SwapBuffersError}; use backend::input::{Axis, AxisSource, Event as BackendEvent, InputBackend, InputHandler, KeyState, KeyboardKeyEvent, MouseButton, MouseButtonState, PointerAxisEvent, PointerButtonEvent, PointerMotionAbsoluteEvent, Seat, SeatCapabilities, TouchCancelEvent, TouchDownEvent, TouchMotionEvent, TouchSlot, TouchUpEvent, UnusedEvent}; use nix::c_void; use std::cmp; use std::error::Error; use std::fmt; use std::rc::Rc; use wayland_client::egl as wegl; use winit::{CreationError as WinitCreationError, ElementState, Event, EventsLoop, KeyboardInput, MouseButton as WinitMouseButton, MouseCursor, MouseScrollDelta, Touch, TouchPhase, Window, WindowBuilder, WindowEvent}; use winit::os::unix::{WindowExt, get_x11_xconnection}; rental! { mod egl { use std::boxed::Box; use ::backend::graphics::egl::{EGLContext, EGLSurface}; #[rental(deref_suffix)] pub struct RentEGL { context: Box, surface: EGLSurface<'context>, } } } /// Window with an active EGL Context created by `winit`. Implements the /// `EGLGraphicsBackend` graphics backend trait pub struct WinitGraphicsBackend { window: Rc, context: egl::RentEGL, logger: ::slog::Logger, } /// Abstracted event loop of a `winit` `Window` implementing the `InputBackend` trait /// /// You need to call `dispatch_new_events` periodically to receive any events. pub struct WinitInputBackend { events_loop: EventsLoop, window: Rc, surface: Option, time_counter: u32, key_counter: u32, seat: Seat, input_config: (), handler: Option + 'static>>, logger: ::slog::Logger, } /// Create a new `WinitGraphicsBackend`, which implements the `EGLGraphicsBackend` /// graphics backend trait and a corresponding `WinitInputBackend`, which implements /// the `InputBackend` trait pub fn init(logger: L) -> Result<(WinitGraphicsBackend, WinitInputBackend), CreationError> where L: Into>, { init_from_builder( WindowBuilder::new() .with_dimensions(1280, 800) .with_title("Smithay") .with_visibility(true), logger, ) } /// Create a new `WinitGraphicsBackend`, which implements the `EGLGraphicsBackend` /// graphics backend trait, from a given `WindowBuilder` struct and a corresponding /// `WinitInputBackend`, which implements the `InputBackend` trait pub fn init_from_builder(builder: WindowBuilder, logger: L) -> Result<(WinitGraphicsBackend, WinitInputBackend), CreationError> where L: Into>, { init_from_builder_with_gl_attr( builder, GlAttributes { version: None, profile: None, debug: cfg!(debug_assertions), vsync: true, }, logger, ) } /// Create a new `WinitGraphicsBackend`, which implements the `EGLGraphicsBackend` /// graphics backend trait, from a given `WindowBuilder` struct, as well as given /// `GlAttributes` for further customization of the rendering pipeline and a /// corresponding `WinitInputBackend`, which implements the `InputBackend` trait. pub fn init_from_builder_with_gl_attr( builder: WindowBuilder, attributes: GlAttributes, logger: L) -> Result<(WinitGraphicsBackend, WinitInputBackend), CreationError> where L: Into>, { let log = ::slog_or_stdlog(logger).new(o!("smithay_module" => "backend_winit")); info!(log, "Initializing a winit backend"); let events_loop = EventsLoop::new(); let window = Rc::new(builder.build(&events_loop)?); debug!(log, "Window created"); let (native_display, native_surface, surface) = if let (Some(conn), Some(window)) = (get_x11_xconnection(), window.get_xlib_window()) { debug!(log, "Window is backed by X11"); ( NativeDisplay::X11(conn.display as *const _), NativeSurface::X11(window), None, ) } else if let (Some(display), Some(surface)) = (window.get_wayland_display(), window.get_wayland_surface()) { debug!(log, "Window is backed by Wayland"); let (w, h) = window.get_inner_size().unwrap(); let egl_surface = unsafe { wegl::WlEglSurface::new_from_raw(surface as *mut _, w as i32, h as i32) }; ( NativeDisplay::Wayland(display), NativeSurface::Wayland(egl_surface.ptr() as *const _), Some(egl_surface), ) } else { error!(log, "Window is backed by an unsupported graphics framework"); return Err(CreationError::NotSupported); }; let context = unsafe { match EGLContext::new( native_display, attributes, PixelFormatRequirements { hardware_accelerated: Some(true), color_bits: Some(24), alpha_bits: Some(8), ..Default::default() }, log.clone(), ) { Ok(context) => context, Err(err) => { error!(log, "EGLContext creation failed:\n {}", err); return Err(err); } } }; Ok(( WinitGraphicsBackend { window: window.clone(), context: match egl::RentEGL::try_new(Box::new(context), move |context| unsafe { context.create_surface(native_surface) }) { Ok(x) => x, Err(::rental::TryNewError(err, _)) => return Err(err), }, logger: log.new(o!("smithay_winit_component" => "graphics")), }, WinitInputBackend { events_loop: events_loop, window: window, surface: surface, time_counter: 0, key_counter: 0, seat: Seat::new( 0, SeatCapabilities { pointer: true, keyboard: true, touch: true, }, ), input_config: (), handler: None, logger: log.new(o!("smithay_winit_component" => "input")), }, )) } impl GraphicsBackend for WinitGraphicsBackend { type CursorFormat = MouseCursor; fn set_cursor_position(&mut self, x: u32, y: u32) -> Result<(), ()> { debug!(self.logger, "Setting cursor position to {:?}", (x, y)); self.window.set_cursor_position(x as i32, y as i32) } fn set_cursor_representation(&mut self, cursor: Self::CursorFormat) { // Cannot log this one, as `CursorFormat` is not `Debug` and should not be debug!(self.logger, "Changing cursor representation"); self.window.set_cursor(cursor) } } impl EGLGraphicsBackend for WinitGraphicsBackend { fn swap_buffers(&self) -> Result<(), SwapBuffersError> { trace!(self.logger, "Swapping buffers"); self.context.rent(|surface| surface.swap_buffers()) } unsafe fn get_proc_address(&self, symbol: &str) -> *const c_void { trace!(self.logger, "Getting symbol for {:?}", symbol); self.context.get_proc_address(symbol) } fn get_framebuffer_dimensions(&self) -> (u32, u32) { self.window.get_inner_size_pixels().expect( "Window does not exist anymore", ) } fn is_current(&self) -> bool { self.context.is_current() } unsafe fn make_current(&self) -> Result<(), SwapBuffersError> { debug!(self.logger, "Setting EGL context to be the current context"); self.context.rent(|surface| surface.make_current()) } fn get_pixel_format(&self) -> PixelFormat { self.context.get_pixel_format() } } /// Errors that may happen when driving the event loop of `WinitInputBackend` #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum WinitInputError { /// The underlying `winit` `Window` was closed. No further events can be processed. /// /// See `WinitInputBackend::dispatch_new_events`. WindowClosed, } impl Error for WinitInputError { fn description(&self) -> &str { match *self { WinitInputError::WindowClosed => "Glutin Window was closed", } } } impl fmt::Display for WinitInputError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.description()) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] /// Winit-Backend internal event wrapping winit's types into a `KeyboardKeyEvent` pub struct WinitKeyboardInputEvent { time: u32, key: u32, count: u32, state: ElementState, } impl BackendEvent for WinitKeyboardInputEvent { fn time(&self) -> u32 { self.time } } impl KeyboardKeyEvent for WinitKeyboardInputEvent { fn key_code(&self) -> u32 { self.key } fn state(&self) -> KeyState { self.state.into() } fn count(&self) -> u32 { self.count } } #[derive(Clone)] /// Winit-Backend internal event wrapping winit's types into a `PointerMotionAbsoluteEvent` pub struct WinitMouseMovedEvent { window: Rc, time: u32, x: f64, y: f64, } impl BackendEvent for WinitMouseMovedEvent { fn time(&self) -> u32 { self.time } } impl PointerMotionAbsoluteEvent for WinitMouseMovedEvent { fn x(&self) -> f64 { self.x } fn y(&self) -> f64 { self.y } fn x_transformed(&self, width: u32) -> u32 { cmp::min( (self.x * width as f64 / self.window.get_inner_size_points().unwrap_or((width, 0)).0 as f64) as u32, 0, ) } fn y_transformed(&self, height: u32) -> u32 { cmp::min( (self.y * height as f64 / self.window.get_inner_size_points().unwrap_or((0, height)).1 as f64) as u32, 0, ) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)] /// Winit-Backend internal event wrapping winit's types into a `PointerAxisEvent` pub struct WinitMouseWheelEvent { axis: Axis, time: u32, delta: MouseScrollDelta, } impl BackendEvent for WinitMouseWheelEvent { fn time(&self) -> u32 { self.time } } impl PointerAxisEvent for WinitMouseWheelEvent { fn axis(&self) -> Axis { self.axis } fn source(&self) -> AxisSource { match self.delta { MouseScrollDelta::LineDelta(_, _) => AxisSource::Wheel, MouseScrollDelta::PixelDelta(_, _) => AxisSource::Continuous, } } fn amount(&self) -> f64 { match (self.axis, self.delta) { (Axis::Horizontal, MouseScrollDelta::LineDelta(x, _)) | (Axis::Horizontal, MouseScrollDelta::PixelDelta(x, _)) => x as f64, (Axis::Vertical, MouseScrollDelta::LineDelta(_, y)) | (Axis::Vertical, MouseScrollDelta::PixelDelta(_, y)) => y as f64, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] /// Winit-Backend internal event wrapping winit's types into a `PointerButtonEvent` pub struct WinitMouseInputEvent { time: u32, button: WinitMouseButton, state: ElementState, } impl BackendEvent for WinitMouseInputEvent { fn time(&self) -> u32 { self.time } } impl PointerButtonEvent for WinitMouseInputEvent { fn button(&self) -> MouseButton { self.button.into() } fn state(&self) -> MouseButtonState { self.state.into() } } #[derive(Clone)] /// Winit-Backend internal event wrapping winit's types into a `TouchDownEvent` pub struct WinitTouchStartedEvent { window: Rc, time: u32, location: (f64, f64), id: u64, } impl BackendEvent for WinitTouchStartedEvent { fn time(&self) -> u32 { self.time } } impl TouchDownEvent for WinitTouchStartedEvent { fn slot(&self) -> Option { Some(TouchSlot::new(self.id)) } fn x(&self) -> f64 { self.location.0 } fn y(&self) -> f64 { self.location.1 } fn x_transformed(&self, width: u32) -> u32 { cmp::min( self.location.0 as i32 * width as i32 / self.window.get_inner_size_points().unwrap_or((width, 0)).0 as i32, 0, ) as u32 } fn y_transformed(&self, height: u32) -> u32 { cmp::min( self.location.1 as i32 * height as i32 / self.window.get_inner_size_points().unwrap_or((0, height)).1 as i32, 0, ) as u32 } } #[derive(Clone)] /// Winit-Backend internal event wrapping winit's types into a `TouchMotionEvent` pub struct WinitTouchMovedEvent { window: Rc, time: u32, location: (f64, f64), id: u64, } impl BackendEvent for WinitTouchMovedEvent { fn time(&self) -> u32 { self.time } } impl TouchMotionEvent for WinitTouchMovedEvent { fn slot(&self) -> Option { Some(TouchSlot::new(self.id)) } fn x(&self) -> f64 { self.location.0 } fn y(&self) -> f64 { self.location.1 } fn x_transformed(&self, width: u32) -> u32 { self.location.0 as u32 * width / self.window.get_inner_size_points().unwrap_or((width, 0)).0 } fn y_transformed(&self, height: u32) -> u32 { self.location.1 as u32 * height / self.window.get_inner_size_points().unwrap_or((0, height)).1 } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] /// Winit-Backend internal event wrapping winit's types into a `TouchUpEvent` pub struct WinitTouchEndedEvent { time: u32, id: u64, } impl BackendEvent for WinitTouchEndedEvent { fn time(&self) -> u32 { self.time } } impl TouchUpEvent for WinitTouchEndedEvent { fn slot(&self) -> Option { Some(TouchSlot::new(self.id)) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] /// Winit-Backend internal event wrapping winit's types into a `TouchCancelEvent` pub struct WinitTouchCancelledEvent { time: u32, id: u64, } impl BackendEvent for WinitTouchCancelledEvent { fn time(&self) -> u32 { self.time } } impl TouchCancelEvent for WinitTouchCancelledEvent { fn slot(&self) -> Option { Some(TouchSlot::new(self.id)) } } impl InputBackend for WinitInputBackend { type InputConfig = (); type EventError = WinitInputError; type KeyboardKeyEvent = WinitKeyboardInputEvent; type PointerAxisEvent = WinitMouseWheelEvent; type PointerButtonEvent = WinitMouseInputEvent; type PointerMotionEvent = UnusedEvent; type PointerMotionAbsoluteEvent = WinitMouseMovedEvent; type TouchDownEvent = WinitTouchStartedEvent; type TouchUpEvent = WinitTouchEndedEvent; type TouchMotionEvent = WinitTouchMovedEvent; type TouchCancelEvent = WinitTouchCancelledEvent; type TouchFrameEvent = UnusedEvent; fn set_handler + 'static>(&mut self, mut handler: H) { if self.handler.is_some() { self.clear_handler(); } info!(self.logger, "New input handler set."); trace!(self.logger, "Calling on_seat_created with {:?}", self.seat); handler.on_seat_created(&self.seat); self.handler = Some(Box::new(handler)); } fn get_handler(&mut self) -> Option<&mut InputHandler> { self.handler.as_mut().map(|handler| { handler as &mut InputHandler }) } fn clear_handler(&mut self) { if let Some(mut handler) = self.handler.take() { trace!( self.logger, "Calling on_seat_destroyed with {:?}", self.seat ); handler.on_seat_destroyed(&self.seat); } info!(self.logger, "Removing input handler"); } fn input_config(&mut self) -> &mut Self::InputConfig { &mut self.input_config } /// Processes new events of the underlying event loop to drive the set `InputHandler`. /// /// You need to periodically call this function to keep the underlying event loop and /// `Window` active. Otherwise the window may no respond to user interaction and no /// input events will be received by a set `InputHandler`. /// /// Returns an error if the `Window` the window has been closed. Calling /// `dispatch_new_events` again after the `Window` has been closed is considered an /// application error and unspecified baviour may occur. /// /// The linked `WinitGraphicsBackend` will error with a lost Context and should /// not be used anymore as well. fn dispatch_new_events(&mut self) -> Result<(), WinitInputError> { let mut closed = false; { // NOTE: This ugly pile of references is here, because rustc could // figure out how to reference all these objects correctly into the // upcoming closure, which is why all are borrowed manually and the // assignments are then moved into the closure to avoid rustc's // wrong interference. let mut closed_ptr = &mut closed; let mut key_counter = &mut self.key_counter; let mut time_counter = &mut self.time_counter; let seat = &self.seat; let window = &self.window; let surface = &self.surface; let mut handler = self.handler.as_mut(); let logger = &self.logger; self.events_loop.poll_events(move |event| match event { Event::WindowEvent { event, .. } => { match (event, handler.as_mut()) { (WindowEvent::Resized(x, y), _) => { trace!(logger, "Resizing window to {:?}", (x, y)); window.set_inner_size(x, y); if let Some(wl_egl_surface) = surface.as_ref() { wl_egl_surface.resize(x as i32, y as i32, 0, 0); } } (WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { input: KeyboardInput { scancode, state, .. }, .. }, Some(handler)) => { match state { ElementState::Pressed => *key_counter += 1, ElementState::Released => { *key_counter = key_counter.checked_sub(1).unwrap_or(0) } }; trace!( logger, "Calling on_keyboard_key with {:?}", (scancode, state) ); handler.on_keyboard_key( seat, WinitKeyboardInputEvent { time: *time_counter, key: scancode, count: *key_counter, state: state, }, ) } (WindowEvent::MouseMoved { position: (x, y), .. }, Some(handler)) => { trace!(logger, "Calling on_pointer_move_absolute with {:?}", (x, y)); handler.on_pointer_move_absolute( seat, WinitMouseMovedEvent { window: window.clone(), time: *time_counter, x: x, y: y, }, ) } (WindowEvent::MouseWheel { delta, .. }, Some(handler)) => { match delta { MouseScrollDelta::LineDelta(x, y) | MouseScrollDelta::PixelDelta(x, y) => { if x != 0.0 { let event = WinitMouseWheelEvent { axis: Axis::Horizontal, time: *time_counter, delta: delta, }; trace!( logger, "Calling on_pointer_axis for Axis::Horizontal with {:?}", x ); handler.on_pointer_axis(seat, event); } if y != 0.0 { let event = WinitMouseWheelEvent { axis: Axis::Vertical, time: *time_counter, delta: delta, }; trace!( logger, "Calling on_pointer_axis for Axis::Vertical with {:?}", y ); handler.on_pointer_axis(seat, event); } } } } (WindowEvent::MouseInput { state, button, .. }, Some(handler)) => { trace!( logger, "Calling on_pointer_button with {:?}", (button, state) ); handler.on_pointer_button( seat, WinitMouseInputEvent { time: *time_counter, button: button, state: state, }, ) } (WindowEvent::Touch(Touch { phase: TouchPhase::Started, location: (x, y), id, .. }), Some(handler)) => { trace!(logger, "Calling on_touch_down at {:?}", (x, y)); handler.on_touch_down( seat, WinitTouchStartedEvent { window: window.clone(), time: *time_counter, location: (x, y), id: id, }, ) } (WindowEvent::Touch(Touch { phase: TouchPhase::Moved, location: (x, y), id, .. }), Some(handler)) => { trace!(logger, "Calling on_touch_motion at {:?}", (x, y)); handler.on_touch_motion( seat, WinitTouchMovedEvent { window: window.clone(), time: *time_counter, location: (x, y), id: id, }, ) } (WindowEvent::Touch(Touch { phase: TouchPhase::Ended, location: (x, y), id, .. }), Some(handler)) => { trace!(logger, "Calling on_touch_motion at {:?}", (x, y)); handler.on_touch_motion( seat, WinitTouchMovedEvent { window: window.clone(), time: *time_counter, location: (x, y), id: id, }, ); trace!(logger, "Calling on_touch_up"); handler.on_touch_up( seat, WinitTouchEndedEvent { time: *time_counter, id: id, }, ); } (WindowEvent::Touch(Touch { phase: TouchPhase::Cancelled, id, .. }), Some(handler)) => { trace!(logger, "Calling on_touch_cancel"); handler.on_touch_cancel( seat, WinitTouchCancelledEvent { time: *time_counter, id: id, }, ) } (WindowEvent::Closed, _) => { warn!(logger, "Window closed"); *closed_ptr = true; } _ => {} } *time_counter += 1; } Event::DeviceEvent { .. } => {} _ => {} }); } if closed { Err(WinitInputError::WindowClosed) } else { Ok(()) } } } impl From for MouseButton { fn from(button: WinitMouseButton) -> MouseButton { match button { WinitMouseButton::Left => MouseButton::Left, WinitMouseButton::Right => MouseButton::Right, WinitMouseButton::Middle => MouseButton::Middle, WinitMouseButton::Other(num) => MouseButton::Other(num), } } } impl From for KeyState { fn from(state: ElementState) -> Self { match state { ElementState::Pressed => KeyState::Pressed, ElementState::Released => KeyState::Released, } } } impl From for MouseButtonState { fn from(state: ElementState) -> Self { match state { ElementState::Pressed => MouseButtonState::Pressed, ElementState::Released => MouseButtonState::Released, } } } impl From for CreationError { fn from(error: WinitCreationError) -> Self { match error { WinitCreationError::OsError(x) => CreationError::OsError(x), WinitCreationError::NotSupported => CreationError::NotSupported, } } }