common: add fallback device/surface types

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Victor Brekenfeld 2020-04-19 22:29:10 +02:00
parent 35943fc56a
commit df951b5de7
2 changed files with 350 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
//! Types to make fallback device initialization easier
#[cfg(all(feature = "backend_drm_atomic", feature = "backend_drm_legacy"))]
use crate::backend::drm::{atomic::AtomicDrmDevice, legacy::LegacyDrmDevice};
use crate::backend::drm::{common::Error, Device, DeviceHandler, RawDevice, RawSurface, Surface};
use crate::backend::egl::Error as EGLError;
#[cfg(feature = "use_system_lib")]
use crate::backend::egl::{display::EGLBufferReader, EGLGraphicsBackend};
#[cfg(feature = "renderer_gl")]
use crate::backend::graphics::gl::GLGraphicsBackend;
#[cfg(feature = "renderer_gl")]
use crate::backend::graphics::PixelFormat;
use crate::backend::graphics::{CursorBackend, SwapBuffersError};
use crate::backend::session::{AsSessionObserver, SessionObserver};
use drm::{
control::{connector, crtc, encoder, framebuffer, plane, Device as ControlDevice, Mode, ResourceHandles},
Device as BasicDevice, SystemError as DrmError,
#[cfg(feature = "renderer_gl")]
use nix::libc::c_void;
use nix::libc::dev_t;
use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, RawFd};
#[cfg(feature = "use_system_lib")]
use wayland_server::Display;
/// [`Device`](::backend::drm::Device) Wrapper to assist fallback
/// in case initialization of the preferred device type fails.
pub enum FallbackDevice<D1: Device + 'static, D2: Device + 'static> {
/// Variant for successful initialization of the preferred device
/// Variant for the fallback device
struct FallbackDeviceHandlerD1<E, C, S1, S2, D1, D2>(
Box<dyn DeviceHandler<Device = FallbackDevice<D1, D2>> + 'static>,
E: std::error::Error + Send + 'static,
C: IntoIterator<Item = connector::Handle> + 'static,
S1: Surface<Error = E, Connectors = C> + 'static,
S2: Surface<Error = E, Connectors = C> + 'static,
D1: Device<Surface = S1> + 'static,
D2: Device<Surface = S2> + 'static;
impl<E, C, S1, S2, D1, D2> DeviceHandler for FallbackDeviceHandlerD1<E, C, S1, S2, D1, D2>
E: std::error::Error + Send + 'static,
C: IntoIterator<Item = connector::Handle> + 'static,
S1: Surface<Error = E, Connectors = C> + 'static,
S2: Surface<Error = E, Connectors = C> + 'static,
D1: Device<Surface = S1> + 'static,
D2: Device<Surface = S2> + 'static,
type Device = D1;
fn vblank(&mut self, crtc: crtc::Handle) {
fn error(&mut self, error: E) {
struct FallbackDeviceHandlerD2<E, C, S1, S2, D1, D2>(
Box<dyn DeviceHandler<Device = FallbackDevice<D1, D2>> + 'static>,
E: std::error::Error + Send + 'static,
C: IntoIterator<Item = connector::Handle> + 'static,
S1: Surface<Error = E, Connectors = C> + 'static,
S2: Surface<Error = E, Connectors = C> + 'static,
D1: Device<Surface = S1> + 'static,
D2: Device<Surface = S2> + 'static;
impl<E, C, S1, S2, D1, D2> DeviceHandler for FallbackDeviceHandlerD2<E, C, S1, S2, D1, D2>
E: std::error::Error + Send + 'static,
C: IntoIterator<Item = connector::Handle> + 'static,
S1: Surface<Error = E, Connectors = C> + 'static,
S2: Surface<Error = E, Connectors = C> + 'static,
D1: Device<Surface = S1> + 'static,
D2: Device<Surface = S2> + 'static,
type Device = D2;
fn vblank(&mut self, crtc: crtc::Handle) {
fn error(&mut self, error: E) {
/// [`SessionObserver`](::backend::session::SessionObserver) Wrapper to assist fallback
/// in case initialization of the preferred device type fails.
pub enum FallbackDeviceObserver<O1: SessionObserver + 'static, O2: SessionObserver + 'static> {
/// Variant for successful initialization of the preferred device
/// Variant for the fallback device
impl<O1, O2, D1, D2> AsSessionObserver<FallbackDeviceObserver<O1, O2>> for FallbackDevice<D1, D2>
O1: SessionObserver + 'static,
O2: SessionObserver + 'static,
D1: Device + AsSessionObserver<O1> + 'static,
D2: Device + AsSessionObserver<O2> + 'static,
fn observer(&mut self) -> FallbackDeviceObserver<O1, O2> {
match self {
FallbackDevice::Preference(dev) => FallbackDeviceObserver::Preference(,
FallbackDevice::Fallback(dev) => FallbackDeviceObserver::Fallback(,
impl<O1: SessionObserver + 'static, O2: SessionObserver + 'static> SessionObserver
for FallbackDeviceObserver<O1, O2>
fn pause(&mut self, device: Option<(u32, u32)>) {
match self {
FallbackDeviceObserver::Preference(dev) => dev.pause(device),
FallbackDeviceObserver::Fallback(dev) => dev.pause(device),
fn activate(&mut self, device: Option<(u32, u32, Option<RawFd>)>) {
match self {
FallbackDeviceObserver::Preference(dev) => dev.activate(device),
FallbackDeviceObserver::Fallback(dev) => dev.activate(device),
/// [`Surface`](::backend::drm::Surface) Wrapper to assist fallback
/// in case initialization of the preferred device type fails.
pub enum FallbackSurface<S1: Surface, S2: Surface> {
/// Variant for successful initialization of the preferred device
/// Variant for the fallback device
#[cfg(all(feature = "backend_drm_atomic", feature = "backend_drm_legacy"))]
impl<A: AsRawFd + Clone + 'static> FallbackDevice<AtomicDrmDevice<A>, LegacyDrmDevice<A>> {
/// Try to initialize an [`AtomicDrmDevice`](::backend::drm:;atomic::AtomicDrmDevice)
/// and fall back to a [`LegacyDrmDevice`] if atomic-modesetting is not supported.
pub fn new<L>(fd: A, logger: L) -> Result<Self, Error>
L: Into<Option<::slog::Logger>>,
let log = crate::slog_or_stdlog(logger).new(o!("smithay_module" => "backend_drm_fallback"));
info!(log, "Trying to initialize AtomicDrmDevice");
match AtomicDrmDevice::new(fd.clone(), log.clone()) {
Ok(dev) => Ok(FallbackDevice::Preference(dev)),
Err(err) => {
error!(log, "Failed to initialize preferred AtomicDrmDevice: {}", err);
info!(log, "Falling back to fallback LegacyyDrmDevice");
Ok(FallbackDevice::Fallback(LegacyDrmDevice::new(fd, log)?))
macro_rules! fallback_device_impl {
($func_name:ident, $self:ty, $return:ty, $($arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty),*) => {
fn $func_name(self: $self, $($arg_name : $arg_ty),*) -> $return {
match self {
FallbackDevice::Preference(dev) => dev.$func_name($($arg_name),*),
FallbackDevice::Fallback(dev) => dev.$func_name($($arg_name),*),
($func_name:ident, $self:ty, $return:ty) => {
fallback_device_impl!($func_name, $self, $return,);
($func_name:ident, $self:ty) => {
fallback_device_impl!($func_name, $self, ());
macro_rules! fallback_surface_impl {
($func_name:ident, $self:ty, $return:ty, $($arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty),*) => {
fn $func_name(self: $self, $($arg_name : $arg_ty),*) -> $return {
match self {
FallbackSurface::Preference(dev) => dev.$func_name($($arg_name),*),
FallbackSurface::Fallback(dev) => dev.$func_name($($arg_name),*),
($func_name:ident, $self:ty, $return:ty) => {
fallback_surface_impl!($func_name, $self, $return,);
($func_name:ident, $self:ty) => {
fallback_surface_impl!($func_name, $self, ());
impl<D1: Device, D2: Device> AsRawFd for FallbackDevice<D1, D2> {
fallback_device_impl!(as_raw_fd, &Self, RawFd);
impl<D1: Device + BasicDevice, D2: Device + BasicDevice> BasicDevice for FallbackDevice<D1, D2> {}
impl<D1: Device + ControlDevice, D2: Device + ControlDevice> ControlDevice for FallbackDevice<D1, D2> {}
impl<E, C, S1, S2, D1, D2> Device for FallbackDevice<D1, D2>
// Connectors and Error need to match for both Surfaces
E: std::error::Error + Send + 'static,
C: IntoIterator<Item = connector::Handle> + 'static,
S1: Surface<Error = E, Connectors = C> + 'static,
S2: Surface<Error = E, Connectors = C> + 'static,
D1: Device<Surface = S1> + 'static,
D2: Device<Surface = S2> + 'static,
type Surface = FallbackSurface<S1, S2>;
fallback_device_impl!(device_id, &Self, dev_t);
fn set_handler(&mut self, handler: impl DeviceHandler<Device = Self> + 'static) {
match self {
FallbackDevice::Preference(dev) => dev.set_handler(FallbackDeviceHandlerD1(Box::new(handler))),
FallbackDevice::Fallback(dev) => dev.set_handler(FallbackDeviceHandlerD2(Box::new(handler))),
fallback_device_impl!(clear_handler, &mut Self);
fn create_surface(&mut self, crtc: crtc::Handle) -> Result<Self::Surface, E> {
match self {
FallbackDevice::Preference(dev) => Ok(FallbackSurface::Preference(dev.create_surface(crtc)?)),
FallbackDevice::Fallback(dev) => Ok(FallbackSurface::Fallback(dev.create_surface(crtc)?)),
fallback_device_impl!(process_events, &mut Self);
fallback_device_impl!(resource_handles, &Self, Result<ResourceHandles, E>);
fallback_device_impl!(get_connector_info, &Self, Result<connector::Info, DrmError>, conn: connector::Handle);
fallback_device_impl!(get_crtc_info, &Self, Result<crtc::Info, DrmError>, crtc: crtc::Handle);
fallback_device_impl!(get_encoder_info, &Self, Result<encoder::Info, DrmError>, enc: encoder::Handle);
fallback_device_impl!(get_framebuffer_info, &Self, Result<framebuffer::Info, DrmError>, fb: framebuffer::Handle);
fallback_device_impl!(get_plane_info, &Self, Result<plane::Info, DrmError>, plane : plane::Handle);
// Impl RawDevice where underlying types implement RawDevice
impl<E, C, S1, S2, D1, D2> RawDevice for FallbackDevice<D1, D2>
// Connectors and Error need to match for both Surfaces
E: std::error::Error + Send + 'static,
C: IntoIterator<Item = connector::Handle> + 'static,
S1: RawSurface + Surface<Error = E, Connectors = C> + 'static,
S2: RawSurface + Surface<Error = E, Connectors = C> + 'static,
D1: RawDevice<Surface = S1> + 'static,
D2: RawDevice<Surface = S2> + 'static,
type Surface = FallbackSurface<S1, S2>;
#[cfg(feature = "use_system_lib")]
impl<D1: Device + EGLGraphicsBackend + 'static, D2: Device + EGLGraphicsBackend + 'static> EGLGraphicsBackend
for FallbackDevice<D1, D2>
fallback_device_impl!(bind_wl_display, &Self, Result<EGLBufferReader, EGLError>, display : &Display);
impl<E, C, S1, S2> Surface for FallbackSurface<S1, S2>
// Connectors and Error need to match for both Surfaces
E: std::error::Error + Send + 'static,
C: IntoIterator<Item = connector::Handle> + 'static,
S1: Surface<Error = E, Connectors = C> + 'static,
S2: Surface<Error = E, Connectors = C> + 'static,
type Error = E;
type Connectors = C;
fallback_surface_impl!(crtc, &Self, crtc::Handle);
fallback_surface_impl!(current_connectors, &Self, C);
fallback_surface_impl!(pending_connectors, &Self, C);
fallback_surface_impl!(add_connector, &Self, Result<(), E>, conn: connector::Handle);
fallback_surface_impl!(remove_connector, &Self, Result<(), E>, conn: connector::Handle);
fallback_surface_impl!(set_connectors, &Self, Result<(), E>, conns: &[connector::Handle]);
fallback_surface_impl!(current_mode, &Self, Option<Mode>);
fallback_surface_impl!(pending_mode, &Self, Option<Mode>);
fallback_surface_impl!(use_mode, &Self, Result<(), E>, mode: Option<Mode>);
impl<E, C, S1, S2> RawSurface for FallbackSurface<S1, S2>
E: std::error::Error + Send + 'static,
C: IntoIterator<Item = connector::Handle> + 'static,
S1: RawSurface + Surface<Error = E, Connectors = C> + 'static,
S2: RawSurface + Surface<Error = E, Connectors = C> + 'static,
fallback_surface_impl!(commit_pending, &Self, bool);
fallback_surface_impl!(commit, &Self, Result<(), E>, fb: framebuffer::Handle);
fn page_flip(&self, framebuffer: framebuffer::Handle) -> Result<(), SwapBuffersError> {
match self {
FallbackSurface::Preference(dev) => RawSurface::page_flip(dev, framebuffer),
FallbackSurface::Fallback(dev) => RawSurface::page_flip(dev, framebuffer),
impl<S1: Surface + AsRawFd, S2: Surface + AsRawFd> AsRawFd for FallbackSurface<S1, S2> {
fallback_surface_impl!(as_raw_fd, &Self, RawFd);
impl<S1: Surface + BasicDevice, S2: Surface + BasicDevice> BasicDevice for FallbackSurface<S1, S2> {}
impl<S1: Surface + ControlDevice, S2: Surface + ControlDevice> ControlDevice for FallbackSurface<S1, S2> {}
impl<E1, E2, C, CF, S1, S2> CursorBackend for FallbackSurface<S1, S2>
E1: std::error::Error + Send + 'static,
E2: 'static,
CF: ?Sized,
C: IntoIterator<Item = connector::Handle> + 'static,
S1: Surface<Error = E1, Connectors = C> + CursorBackend<CursorFormat = CF, Error = E2> + 'static,
S2: Surface<Error = E1, Connectors = C> + CursorBackend<CursorFormat = CF, Error = E2> + 'static,
type CursorFormat = CF;
type Error = E2;
fallback_surface_impl!(set_cursor_position, &Self, Result<(), E2>, x: u32, y: u32);
fallback_surface_impl!(set_cursor_representation, &Self, Result<(), E2>, buffer: &Self::CursorFormat, hotspot: (u32, u32));
#[cfg(feature = "renderer_gl")]
impl<E, C, S1, S2> GLGraphicsBackend for FallbackSurface<S1, S2>
E: std::error::Error + Send + 'static,
C: IntoIterator<Item = connector::Handle> + 'static,
S1: Surface<Error = E, Connectors = C> + GLGraphicsBackend + 'static,
S2: Surface<Error = E, Connectors = C> + GLGraphicsBackend + 'static,
fallback_surface_impl!(swap_buffers, &Self, Result<(), SwapBuffersError>);
fallback_surface_impl!(get_proc_address, &Self, *const c_void, symbol: &str);
fallback_surface_impl!(get_framebuffer_dimensions, &Self, (u32, u32));
fallback_surface_impl!(is_current, &Self, bool);
unsafe fn make_current(&self) -> Result<(), SwapBuffersError> {
match self {
FallbackSurface::Preference(dev) => dev.make_current(),
FallbackSurface::Fallback(dev) => dev.make_current(),
fallback_surface_impl!(get_pixel_format, &Self, PixelFormat);

View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ use drm::control::{connector, crtc, Mode, RawResourceHandle};
use std::path::PathBuf; use std::path::PathBuf;
pub mod fallback;
/// Errors thrown by the [`LegacyDrmDevice`](::backend::drm::legacy::LegacyDrmDevice), /// Errors thrown by the [`LegacyDrmDevice`](::backend::drm::legacy::LegacyDrmDevice),
/// [`AtomicDrmDevice`](::backend::drm::atomic::AtomicDrmDevice) /// [`AtomicDrmDevice`](::backend::drm::atomic::AtomicDrmDevice)
/// and their surfaces: [`LegacyDrmSurface`](::backend::drm::legacy::LegacyDrmSurface) /// and their surfaces: [`LegacyDrmSurface`](::backend::drm::legacy::LegacyDrmSurface)